National Night Out (Clermont Police Dept.)
Tuesday, August 6
6 to 8 p.m.
Location: Clermont Lions Club Park, 3201 N. Tansel Road
Community party to build relationships between police, residents, and businesses. Police and fire departments will be on hand to meet you.
Event updates: https://clermontpolice.in.gov and facebook.com/ClermontPoliceIndiana
ALSO: The Clermont PD is encouraging attendees to drop off school supplies to be donated to Robey Elementary on this night. District 6 City-County Councillor Janice McHenry is having a school supply drive to support students who do not have the necessary supplies as the school year begins. The Clermont PD will receive your school supply donations at the National Night Out event and coordinate with Councillor McHenry to get them to the school to be distributed. Thank you!
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